Saturday, April 25, 2015

"My Love, Michelle" Independent Film

Cast & Crew of "My Love, Michelle"
Ingrid, Alexa, Yolanda, Michelle & Danny

1st AD: Danny Ramos, Director: Yolanda Ayala, UPM: Kathleen Hartman

Director: Yolanda Ayala, 1st AD: Danny Ramos screen "My Love, Michelle".
Filming Location & Sponsor Morgan's WONDERLAND
Thanks to Picturesque Multi-Media & Yolanda Ayala and Paul Michael Saldana for bringing me on as your Assistant Director on your lovely film project.

1 comment:

  1. I attended a few company events here and I must say that I was impressed every time. The venues in DC were aesthetically pleasing with very good decorations and seats. The place had a great layout overall, and was at a comfortable temperature.
